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Alex Smith Doe

Senior WordPress Developer

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The Objectives of Effective Facilities Maintenance Contractor Qualification

Contractor qualification has become a hot topic among facilities maintenance professionals.  A new white paper from the facilities maintenance experts at Cherry Logistics on this topic called “The Four Objectives of Effective Facilities Maintenance Contractor Qualification” is now available for download.

Here’s a short excerpt from the white paper which presents an introduction to practical contractor qualification methods.

“It seems everybody agrees that effective contractor qualification is important, but not everyone agrees on the key objectives or how to achieve them. Time constraints and limited resources only heighten the challenge. As with many business practices, cutting corners here just causes bigger headaches down the road.

We advocate a strategic approach that begins early and continues to the long term. In the short term, we want to find and validate contractors based on known requirements. By working in the pre-need stage, we pave the way for smooth execution in the intermediate term as opportunities arise. By focusing on the long-term relationship from the start and continually assessing each relationship, we greatly improve the likelihood of building sustained contractor partnerships.

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The customer/contractor connection begins one of two ways — either they find you or you find them. If the former, are you being contacted because you turned up on somebody’s lead generation list or because the prospective contractor has done preliminary research and discovered sufficient reason to warrant the inquiry? The difference should become apparent very early on.” app for delivery

After taking the time to review the four effective qualification metrics examined in this new white paper, managers will:

  • Learn effective contractor evaluation metrics.
  • Discover a strategic approach to contractor qualification.
  • Learn how to identify and validate a viable pool of qualified contractors.

To discover how to properly assess and validate a pool of potential contractors, as well as how to find contractors with business relationship potential, just Click Here to Download the new Cherry Logistics facilities maintenance white paper.

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